I tend to think all book club selections should be on the short side to accommodate a variety of reading schedules for book club members. Heres a hot selection of book club suggestions for 2018 to get your group talking. But it can be overwhelming to find great book club ideas. It truly made us think about the processed foods we consume and how we can better support local.
Obrehts portrayal of a southeast europe corrupted by war yet inspired by. Luckily for you and your club, ive compiled a list of 12 exciting books that all of you must read. The care and feeding of ravenously hungry girls by. Were making it easy this year by rounding up the best book club books 2019 has to offer. Now that youve had some time to recover from all those champagne wishes and caviar dreams, its time to get down to business. Complaints about a lack of excitement in the books any particular book group chooses are common. This book club recommendations list contains old and new books of various genres that i think have wide appeal and provide compelling discussion topics for your book club.
And because the best part of every month is always the book recommendations, we will also have a permanent discussion thread for book recommendations. Since 1996, oprahs book club has included meticulously selected books that often become bestsellers. Book club suggestions 2017 2018 by pnelson384 a communitycreated list. The map of salt and stars by zeyn joukhadar 5 stars. Whether your group is in the mood for a palette cleanser from heavier reading or youre just on the lookout for funny book club books for 2019, weve compiled a list of books. The book is available now on apple books in both e book and audiobook formats. A world war ii story of survival, resilien laura hillenbrand laura hillenbrand. Picking out the next incredible book club book is no easy task, but if theres one thing you can all probably agree on around this time of year is that choosing a book focused on. Oprahs first selection was a suspenseful and moving story about the disappearance of a child and the family suffering that follows. Your mustread book club suggestions for 2018 literary book club picks for 2018. Have your book club picks been going a little stale. The titles in this weeks list will get the conversation jumping again. As joseph addison said, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the brain.
Alyssa coles reluctant royals series is peak romance for 2018. Whatever your book club s reading preferences historical fiction, heartfelt family sagas, thoughtprovoking teen novels, and more this list has a book. Find discussion books, contests, and reading lists. Keep your book club in stitches with these 15 funny book club books to read in 2019. Who has given a second thought to the wife of jefferson davis, the first and only president of the. In the past, weve done family reunion book clubs and if we did another one, this would be in my top three book club suggestions. Yet, theyre incredibly meaty and will spark lively book club. Follow new york times books on facebook, twitter and instagram, sign up for our. The 5 best book club books i read in 2018 off the shelf. Our lists of book club favorites curious about what other book clubs are interested in. A book club can be a great way for your staff to push themselves to continue to learn.
Now, with her new partnership with apple, oprahs book club. Any book can be a book club book, even if there isnt a readers guide in the back. We read only fun books that make our members rediscover their love of reading. When breath becomes air by paul kalanithi this memoir published after the authors early death from lung cancer will basically rip your heart out, but also make you so glad to be alive. Published by back bay books winner of the 2018 bookbrowse fiction award and named one of the best books of 2018. However, the locals immediately suspect kya when handsome chase andrews is found. All of these books were published in 2018, and i made sure to include a variety of genres to entertain even the finickiest book club reader. Picking your book club books for the year can be a daunting decision. Reading group choices is your resource for book recommendations, book club discussion topics, and reading group guides. Delia owens is a gifted writer though this is her first novel. Best books for book clubs 2018 popsugar entertainment. The huffington post selected the tigers wife for our now discontinued book club in 2011, and with good reason.
Book recommendations for june 2018 written by heather caliendo may 23, 2018 what i love about these summer months is how people take books on their vacations and make time during lazy weekends to read. Coed book club recommendations short book club recommendations. If you dont meet at someones home, maybe see if you can pick your months location based on something from the book. Book club members and voracious readers alike will find something to pique their. The lost night by andrea bartz was such a fantastic read check out my book club questions here. Its perfect for a book club because people will take different things away from it, and im sure that will lead to great conversations. At classy, several of our departments participate in quarterly book clubs. A favorite read of my culinary book club was animal, vegetable, miracle.
Unfortunately, i am one of these very same people and, quite frankly, i am tired of my lack of reading. Book club reading recommendations the american writers. A novel by nickolas butler paperback, dec 26, 2017. Book club ideas to breathe new life into your book club. Definitely a more advanced suggestion of all the book club ideas but a fun challenge, i think. Updated 452020 new books to watch brand new releases previous lists of our new books to watch. Oprahs book club list all 83 books oprah has recommended. Take a look at the most searched books on litlovers.
Check out our list of 100 notable books of 2018, and our gift guide for book lovers. A world war ii story of survival, resilience, and redemptionunbroken. Anyone can pose questions for discussion, and reply to questions or comments in the thread. Your mustread book club suggestions for 2018 book riot. Science fiction and fantasy book club recommendations for 2018. Oprah announces olive, again by elizabeth strout, as the latest selection for oprahs book club. My top 3 book recommendations for your next book club meeting. Get great book recommendations delivered to your inbox. Home book club reading recommendations check out the lists below for your next reading inspiration. In the past, weve done family reunion book clubs and if we did another one, this would be in my top three book club suggestions for sure.
Weve rounded up books recommended by online and celebrity book groups, including suggestions from famous bibliophiles like reese witherspoon, emma watson, oprah, and more. Best books for book clubs 2018 wow your book club with 1 of these 50 new book suggestions. Its 1956, and former berlin police detective bernie gunther is living in greece under an alias and trying to leave his. If you create an off the shelf account, youll be able to save books to your personal bookshelf, and be eligible for free books. Want to know the best new book club ideas 2018 has to offer. The warmth of other suns by isabel wilkerson 4 stars.
If your book club is hosted at someones house, have a themed treat or drink based on the book or a detail from the book. But, the books on this list are especially shortaround 300 pages or less. For additional book club recommendations, check out my. Do you want to feel super nostalgic for college and at. Go ahead and copy these awesome book club suggestions from the peanut blossom online book club.
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